Take Back Our Union.

2024 Para chapter elections

The UFT Paraprofessional Chapter election has officially started!!

As you may know, there is a an important and historic election taking place in the UFT Paraprofessional Chapter, from May 9 to June 13, 2024. 

Fix Para Pay is running several candidates against the Unity slate and its current leadership that have failed to deliver a living wage and better conditions for New York City paraprofessionals.

Enough is enough!

Fix Para Pay is committed to fighting alongside with you for a living wage, a fair contract and respect.

We must be the change we seek, together. And that path begins with sending a strong message to our union leadership that we must prioritize a living wage, NOW, by voting for the Fix Para Pay slate.

Vote for the Fix Para Pay slate — and, tell your fellow UFT paras to do the same!

Voting Procedure

Ballots were mailed on May 9. Look for the envelope from the American Arbitration Association, or (AAA).

** It’s important to note that the ballot will be from the AAA, not the UFT.

Please check the Fix Para Pay slate box to vote for the entire Fix Para Pay slate. We need you to only mark this box only. Voting for other individual candidates will affect the entire slate.

Once you’ve checked the Fix Para Slate box, put the front page of the ballot into the secure, Secret Ballot envelope, and put that into the mailing envelope addressed to AAA.

Ballots must be received at the AAA no later than June 13th, so please vote and send your ballot back as soon as you receive it.

A ballot from AAA will be mailed to your address currently on file with the UFT. If you do not receive a ballot in the mail by May 20, please call the American Arbitration Association (AAA) at 800-529-5218 to request a duplicate ballot.

You should also inform us at Fix Para Pay so we too can advocate on your behalf. You can contact us at our email box: info@fixparapay.org


meet the candidates

Be sure to check off the FIX PARA PAY slate on your mail-in ballot. Mail you ballot back ASAP, before June 13, 2024.

  • John Perez

    Chapter Chairpeson

  • Migda Rodriguez

    1st Vice Chairperson

  • Deborah Harris


  • Osvaldo Acosta Jr

    Executive Board At-Large

  • Cathy Barbosa

    Executive Board At-Large

  • Teresa D’Ambrosio

    Executive Board At-Large

  • Agnes Echevarria

    Executive Board At-Large

  • Tatiana Rendon

    Executive Board At-Large

  • Elizabeth Schmidt

    Executive Board At-Large

  • Marie Wausnock

    Executive Board At-Large

what we need

  • Paras are grossly underpaid in NYC and deserve a living wage. Entry level paras are only making about $18.50 an hour. According to the MIT living wage calculator, a single person with no children should be making $33 a hour.

  • Longevity increases are additional compensation offered for service to NYC public schools specifically, rather than professional experience in general. Teachers after 22 years get over $30,000 in longevity, yet paras only get just over $3,000 in longevity raises. That is NOT a typo, but it is a huge disparity, and it needs to be fixed as this would help paras who are not at top pay because they don’t have the time to take college classes as they are working extra jobs.

  • The nature of para work can make them most prone to injury in the line of duty. Paras should have parity with the LODI benefit teachers receive. No to only 2/3 pay with workers compensation. No to having to use all your CAR days. Full pay from day one until you can return to work!

  • Teachers, and district 75 paras who work Chapter 683 during the summer, have retention rights. What are retention rights? Upon completing two consecutive years of satisfactory service in the same per-session activity these educators gain “retention rights,” giving them priority for hiring in future years in the same activity. Paras don’t have similar rights to retain their per session positions. It’s time for parity.

  • D75 paras who work Chapter 683 summer school for July and August receive 17.5% extra pay and paid days off during this time.

    Chapter 683 paras work with 12 month IEP students throughout the summer. Similarly, non-D75 paras also work with 12 month IEP students in the Extended School Year (ESY) summer program. These ESY paras work both July and August, and similar hours during summer school, yet do not get the same compensation. This is unjust and needs to be fixed.

  • All paras are essential and not disposable. Even with due-process paras can be terminated at the will of a rogue, abusive administrator.

    Experienced paras should have tenure-like job protections just like teachers.