By Migda Rodriguez ParaprofessionAL, UFT 2nd Vice Chair

Weekly Newsletter

Issue 3:

Who we are.

I consider myself a hopeful person. However, I have been struggling lately. One thing we need to look at, discuss, and fix is a critical issue affecting paras in New York City: the disparity between their salaries and the cost of living. As union members, we must recognize and address this concern.

Paras play an invaluable role in our schools. Supporting teachers, assisting students with diverse needs, fostering an environment conducive to learning, and..... 50 other things that always go UNNOTICED! However, despite our contributions, many paras in NYC struggle to make ends meet living in the city.

In a recent report by United Way of NYC, the cost of living rose 131% while earnings went up only 71%. It says that people of color disproportionately struggle and shows an example of a single parent in the Bronx with two children who has to earn over $100K to live. That is three times the minimum wage!

Some in our leadership believe $50K is enough. That we have a lot of "things: other states don't have so we should be satisfied. That is not acceptable. Addressing this issue requires an effort from our union, our paras, and the educational community (teachers and other union colleagues). Over the years I have seen union campaigns on so many different topics but when it comes to paras, we are blocked. It's negotiating in public? It's not coming from us? You haven't listened, because we have been screaming about this for years! We must prioritize equitable compensation for paras, ensuring that our salaries reflect the invaluable work we do and enable us to thrive in NYC

For more on the report from United Way, please visit, and click on2023 NYC True Cost of Living report findings, to learn more. Also, sign the petition to fix our pay here:

If you have any questions for me or want to get on my mailing list for this newsletter:

Email me at or send me a text.


Thank you to all who have offered to share my nominating petition in your schools. I am sure union-paid staff, chapter leaders, and retirees will be in your schools getting signatures for their hand-picked candidates. Remember, it is your decision which petitions you choose to sign, all! ask is that you give everyone a chance to get on the ballot. They don't want an election. Theywant who they want. They want the status quo.


Can we talk about this 'Para Handbook? I wasn't going to say anything, however, what is all the hype about?

There is nothing in there that we can't easily find on the union website, In fact, this book is nothing new.

It's been done before. We don't want a handbook, we want a livablewage. We don't want more CTLE. We NEED a livable wage! We don't need meet and greets. mixers, and weekends at expensive hotels, we need leadership. If this is the best they can come up with after more than a full year in leadership, we need new leadership.


Something to think about:

An environment that is not safe to disagree in is not an environment focused on growth, it is an environment focused on control.

They want control. When we disagree with them, they say we are being divisive and that we should beshunned. That's not leadership. That's not democracy. Let's make our voices heard and vote.


Meet the fix para slate
